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Testing the Effectiveness of Morning Exercise

Sara Pyrsi: With the information provided on our cite, I changed my daily routine slightly so that I could try and improve my performance in school. Over the course of a week, I woke up at six in the morning and worked out. Throughout the rest of the day,  I monitered how I felt. I found that I was much more awake on the mornings that I worked out compared to Friday morning when I didn’t.  I have actually seen an improvement in my ability to participate in class, my academic performance, and my grades. For example, in this 8 am biology class, I have been more alert and have been able to participate on a higher level with my body and mind warmed up and ready to go. However, after a long week, working out early in the morning has also had a negative affect on my body;  I have been sore and am  physically exhausted. Nevertheless, I feel like I have been falling asleep and waking up at more regular times. 

Sara Prysi's photo.