Testing the Effectiveness

Murray Manley: The Green Team recommended that students make sure they eat a nutritious breakfast in the morning before school at a set time every day. Research has shown that when humans eat breakfast at a regular time each day, their bodies adjust to the schedule in and begin to wake up just before the meal in anticipation of food. Therefore, eating meals at regular times every morning should help you wake up more easily. To test our recommendation, I ate breakfast at 6:00 am on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings. I noticed that about 30 minutes after I ate, I felt more energized and alert. On Thursday morning I didn’t eat breakfast at all. Compared to the earlier days in the week, I felt much more tired and groggy all morning, not to mention hungry. (I never skip meals). Although I don’t believe eating breakfast made me less tired throughout the day, I do believe that eating breakfast made me more awake and alert in the morning for my early classes. Limitations of the test include the fact that I was the only one who tested out the theory; one person is an extremely small sample size. Additionally, although I ate breakfast at the same all three mornings, I woke up at various times before 6, which adds in another variable.